Temple Israel of New Rochelle. We are a community that adds meaning and purpose to modern lives through an inclusive approach to Judaism. We live our Jewish values in our worship, celebration, lifelong learning and Tikkun Olam-the repair of the world. Find out what's on the minds of those at Temple Israel (TINR) through our blog "TINR Tablet" ... and respond! Join us in discussions. Make comments! We want to hear you!
Monday, December 4, 2017
Monday, November 13, 2017
Camp Pinebrook is Coming ... Open House: Sunday December 3rd, Noon
Camp Pinebrook at Temple Israel of New Rochelle is where children (ages 4-8) make friends, build skills and have fun in a vibrant community infused with Jewish values. So learn more about the program, the facilities and meet the leadership team!
Camp Pinebrook is an inclusive child-centered day camp with a wide variety of activities - from sports & games, crafts & music to swimming and outdoor adventure. This camp offers fun, immersive Reform Jewish experiences that empower children to better themselves and their communities. Located on the grounds of Temple Israel of New Rochelle, camp facilities sit on 15 wooded acres centrally located in lower Westchester County.
Come join us on Sunday, December 3rd ... and see why we're excited about Camp Pinebrook!
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Rabbi Weiner's Sabbatical "The little things do matter."
Indeed, the sabbatical (including the part in the spring) was all I had hoped for. It was a great gift from the congregation to both recognize the regular commitment of time on my part to Temple Israel and the value for me, my family and the congregation, for me to have a chance to recharge the batteries. This summer, I got to do many things that I have not had the chance to do in a long time – or ever!
In the early part of the summer, I got to volunteer, as I always do, at the URJ Kutz Camp. This summer however, I was able to be there for nearly the entire session of camp – something I haven’t done since I was a student, nearly 20 years ago. My service to camp, as the faculty dean, has never felt more helpful to camp and, at the same time, it has never felt more fulfilling to me. The weeks there were not just about the teaching and programming for which I was responsible. It allowed me to make more and deeper relationships with campers and staff alike. Likewise, it was so wonderful to have those weeks with colleagues from around the world. I got to learn and be inspired by their work in their communities and be moved by the kinds of collaborations that occur when excellent rabbis, cantors and educators come together in a camp environment. On the one hand, I was there to volunteer, but on the other, I gained so much from being there for such a long stint. It will be hard to be back there only for one week next year!
For the remaining six weeks of the summer, I had the gift of spending nearly all day, every day, with both of my daughters, something that hasn’t happened – ever! Some of you may be wondering if I’m being truthful, but I promise I am! I love being a rabbi and serving the Jewish community, but that comes with a trade-off of having an atypical schedule. I serve the community most nights and weekends. The six weeks with my daughters was an opportunity to just be a dad without running out to meetings at odd hours, or being the one dad on the soccer field in a suit and tie! Before leaving for Israel, we used that time to take day trips all over the New York area. We went to the Statue of Liberty (where I hadn’t been since 5th grade), national parks, museums, a Broadway show, lunches and walks and so much more. At night, we got to have dinner as a family and on weekends we spent time with family and friends. Being a one man daddy day camp was tiring, but I cherished it!
And then we went to Israel for a month, where our daily journeys to and fro in that country were amazing as well. Israel may be a small country, but even we, who have been to Israel countless times, still find new places and sites to visit as well as our favorite haunts that we never miss. We went to Israel’s biggest yogurt and pudding factory (Israelis eat an average of 2 per capita, per day, so this is a place of national importance!), lots of beaches, an escape room (you try doing that in a non-native language!), we made art with our family’s favorite Israeli artist in her private studio, we went to a stalactite cave, explored the treasures of Jerusalem, I got to run with my daughter in 95 degree weather (even less fun than it sounds), ate donuts at our favorite Arab bakery in the heart of Old Jaffa and so much more. Limor and I even got away for a vacation on our own to celebrate our 20 years together.
So yes, I got to do everything I wanted to do on my sabbatical. The great take-away, however, wasn’t grand, but it was profound. The little things do matter. Having the time to do important and meaningful things, not in the minutes or days one finds in between the other things, but doing them solely for the enjoyment of them, was amazing. It has given me insight, at this time of year, on how I’d like to prioritize my time – doing more things, more often, that I love, with those I love. I can’t wait another seven years to make the space for such important things. With the New Year just begun, I hope I live up to it! I hope this year is, for you too, a year of doing things you love and being with those you love, more than ever. Make the time, it’s worth it!
Rabbi Scott Weiner
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Hurricane Harvey ... How Are You Helping?
Dear chevrei (friends),
Ah, unhappy, storm-tossed soul, with none to comfort you: I will make garnets your building-stones, and sapphires your foundations.
weeks ago, these were the opening words of the Haftarah portion from
the prophet Isaiah. And now, there are millions of Americans
storm-tossed by Hurricane Harvey. Our thoughts and prayers are with all
those impacted by the storm as well as those on the ground providing aid
and shelter. Reports are only beginning to quantify the amount of
destruction, making it clear that recovery will be long and difficult.
Many in our community are looking for ways to provide assistance to the communities affected by the storm. In relief efforts following natural disasters there is often confusion about how best to provide help. In this case, the challenge is compounded by the ongoing rain and flooding, making it difficult to assess the damage.
Many in our community are looking for ways to provide assistance to the communities affected by the storm. In relief efforts following natural disasters there is often confusion about how best to provide help. In this case, the challenge is compounded by the ongoing rain and flooding, making it difficult to assess the damage.
help from the Social Action Committee, we have compiled a short list of
organizations that we know are directly working with storm victims and
have immediate needs. We encourage you to give generously to these and
other organizations.
- URJ Greene Family Camp: The Reform Movement's camp in Texas is spearheading two different initiatives. They have opened up the camp facility for families who need shelter. They are also organizing "Hurricane Harvey Houston Day Camp." In addition to providing a full day of supervision and activities for kids whose parents need to focus on storm recovery, the Day Camp will be serving families meals.
- Texas Diaper Bank: The Texas Diaper Bank helps families all year long, but are receiving a tremendous volume of requests from displaced families in need of diapers.
- Food Bank of Corpus Christi: The Food Bank is focused on getting food and water to displaced families.
are two Reform congregations in Houston, Congregation Emanu El and
Congregation Beth Israel. While they are still compiling data on the
impact of the storm on their families, we do know that Beth Israel
suffered extensive damage to its building, including the sanctuary
flooding. Emanu El's building suffered only minor damage and will be
hosting the day camp described above. In the coming weeks we will let
you know if there are specific ways that we can help these congregations
recover. We are especially proud of the work that Rabbi Josh Fixler,
grandson of our member Thelma Fixler, is doing to provide comfort to his
community in his first year as a rabbi at Congregation Emanu El.
the Haftarah portion this week, also from the prophet Isaiah, God tells
the people, "with love unending I take you in." May those forced to
flee their homes by Hurricane Harvey feel this love through the actions
of brave first-responders, kind neighbors, compassionate volunteers, and
generous donors.
With great hope,

Rabbi Nichols
Monday, June 26, 2017
What Have I Learned My First Year as Your Cantor?
You love this community.
That’s a strong but true statement. The only vague part is who “you” is. I’ll start with the congregation at large. Some of you regularly attend services. Some of you volunteer and commit time and talent to TINR. Some of you donate generously. Whatever your involvement, time and again you have shown how much you care about your community.
And the clergy and staff love this community. It is refreshing and energizing to work with colleagues who share such a strong commitment to this community. I enjoy working with all of my colleagues here at TINR and I am strengthened by their individual efforts and the overall commitment of the team.
You love music.
So many of you have shared your sincere appreciation for what I bring to this community, musically and otherwise. And the comments go well beyond typical praise. Clearly this congregation is made up of insightful and thoughtful appreciators of music and worship. This is not to say that I am not questioned or criticized on occasion. But those comments too show a love and respect for the role of music in the synagogue. I don’t expect everyone uniformly to love all the music we do here, but I certainly appreciate the passion that so many of you show for music in its infinite variety.Many of you have also chosen to participate in creating music for our services. Whether you sing in one of our choirs, play instruments or have helped to lead through chanting our sacred texts, you have joined me in uplifting the community in song and prayer. In music, as in all things, we are stronger together.
You love this building.
We are lucky to inhabit such a beautiful building, designed by Percival Goodman in 1962. Clearly the mid-century modern architecture impacts the identity of our community—just look at our logo. It’s not a menorah or other Jewish symbol, but a stylized image of our building. But a building of this age, designed for a very different community more than 55 years ago, must change. How exciting that this summer we are able to renovate our sanctuary, thanks to the Raizen and Fadem families and their generous support. See all the pictures below!
Keeping with the ideals of Reform Judaism, we do not ignore our history. We seek to adapt and renovate in a way that respects the sanctity of the original design but allows the sanctuary to remain relevant and functional for contemporary worship. Besides an aesthetic freshening-up of the space, our renovation will lower the bimah, creating a stronger bond between congregation and clergy. The barriers between our synagogue musicians and the bimah will be removed, creating a direct connection between me and the other musicians, and a stronger bond between all of our musicians and the congregation. The more gracious space for musicians will also accommodate a grand piano, allowing us to create more varied musical worship. The sanctuary and bimah will become accessible to all with a ramp to the bimah and an integrated listening assistance system for the hearing impaired. The fixed pews will be replaced by flexible seating, allowing for unique seating arrangements that may suit a particular service or event. Improved lighting will enhance the worship experience for all.
By the time you are reading this, the renovation will already be underway. I encourage you to stop by the lobby to have a look at our renderings for the newly renovated sanctuary. And most importantly, mark your calendars for Shabbat evening, September 15 as we rededicate our sanctuary prior to the High Holidays.
Come Rosh Hashanah, we will be able to sing with full hearts, “Hashiveinu Adonai eilecha, v’nashuvah. Chadeish yameinu k’kedem.” Return us to You, Adonai, and we will return. Renew our days, as before. May this summer be a time of renewal for all.
Cantor Schloss
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Architect's Rendering |

Friday, January 27, 2017
Celebrating Tu B'Shevat in Kehillah!
Traditionally, planting parsley has been a long-standing Tu B’Shevat preschool activity. Now what does parsley have to do with trees? Well, I imagine that pre-school teachers of years past could not plant actual trees with their students or that the symbolic act of “buying” a tree in Israel was not tangible enough. Given these factors, engaging in a planting activity was (and still is) a good way to discuss nature in a classroom setting. What is really wonderful about this activity is that if you plant the parsley on Tu B’shevat, by the time it germinates and grows, we have jumped two holidays to our major Spring holiday of Passover. A major component of the Passover Seder is Karpas, which is the spring herb/vegetable often represented on the Seder plate by parsley. The Jewish calendar works in amazing ways!

At Kehillah, we will be planting tons of parsley in a new parsley garden. The students will be able to both predict what will happen to the seeds and observe the parsley once it is planted. Basically, the children will be able to document the whole process from start to finish.
Planting parsley on Tu B’Shevat for use on Passover reinforces in a cyclical way how holidays connect us to seasons and one to another.
This Tu B’Shevat try planting something in your own homes that can be used later in the year.
Chag Sameach,
Abra Goldemberg
Director of Early Childhood Jewish Education
Friday, January 13, 2017
"Paint Nite" at Temple Israel of New Rochelle
This is what community looks like at Temple Israel of New Rochelle!
Grabbing aprons, paintbrushes and maybe some liquid courage, 35 women got in touch with their inner Picassos for Sisterhood's Paint Nite. It was a night full of creativity and laughter and too much cheese. Thanks to those who joined us! We look forward to seeing the "artistes" and all other Temple Israel of New Rochelle women at future Sisterhood events. Visit www.tinr.org/events to see those and other Temple Israel events!
Grabbing aprons, paintbrushes and maybe some liquid courage, 35 women got in touch with their inner Picassos for Sisterhood's Paint Nite. It was a night full of creativity and laughter and too much cheese. Thanks to those who joined us! We look forward to seeing the "artistes" and all other Temple Israel of New Rochelle women at future Sisterhood events. Visit www.tinr.org/events to see those and other Temple Israel events!
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